We help fund and support blues musicians

BluesFund is 501c3 organization focused on helping blues musicians. We help musicians create, record, release and promote their own style of blues music.

Our goals:

  • Professionally record blues men and women who don’t have the means to partake into a traditional audio studio
  • Help blues artists  get their recordings together for release
  • Help blues artists get distribution for recordings via digital platforms and radio campaigns
  • Help blues artists get press kits and promo materials
  • Work with venues and festivals to provide great blues talent from our roster of musicians

Blues Fund News

Robert Kimbrough Sr New Release

Be on the lookout for the soon-to-be-released 7th CD from Robert Kimbrough Sr, Produced by Blues Fund and the Mississippi Arts Commission. Blues Fund did all artwork, mixed, and mastered this release at no charge to Robert. The cover depicts Robert in front of the same truck his dad, Junior Kimbrough, drove.

Lady Trucker 2023 Release

BluesFund went to Holly Springs, MS in 2022 and had two recording sessions. The first was Lady Trucker which yielded this release. The second was Little Joe Ayers, one of Junior Kimbrough's original soul, blues boys. Both are amazing examples of the North...

Recording Process

The BluesFund does on-location recording sessions to help selected blues musicians document their original music as well as give each of them something to sell at gigs and gain streaming revenue. 

Musician Promotion

Once a musical release has been created we help the blues artist with his or her brand using customized promotional and marketing assets. 

Blues Talent

With so many great musicians on the BluesFund roster it is easy for us to offer this talent to venues and festivals.